Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sociology Experiment

The last couple weeks we have been studying sociology. As an experiment we were to be deviant from one of societies "norms". My group realized that it is normal for toddlers to throw temper tantrums, but we wanted to test if society would react any differently to an adult throwing a tantrum. We dressed professionally and went around San Diego filming eachother throwing tantrums.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Biography of Novalena Betancourt

For this assignment we all interviewed a person the teacher knew and wrote a biography about them, tell their story. The person my class interview was named Novalena Betancourt (shooting Star).

_____Novalena Betancourt, 30, a UC Davis graduate who is an entrepreneur about to publish her 2nd book called “The Total Female Package.” The book is designed to help people love themselves 100% and to see the talent they have within themselves. Novalena got her inspiration from listening to many women talk about doubting on a radio session she used to host.
_____Novalena lives by 5 principles love, connection, growth, relationships, and authenticity. Her father, also her hero taught her to always be authentic, be true to yourself and live your life to the fullest. For when he was younger his parents wanted him to get a safe job as a janitor, but he took a risk and became a computer technician.

j_____She has learned from many experiences in her life. Novalena grows from each relationship she has, she has stayed friends with the people she has had a past relationship with. After a mature break up she learns something new about herself and tries to make herself better for one she marries. Novalena plans to have two children of her own and adopt many more. She wants to show her kids a good, strong, loving marriage.