Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letter to Barbara Boxer

Dear Senator Barbara Boxer,

_____The Redwood Forest provides moist land for many different organisms and trees such as the Western Red Cedar Tree. The Redwood Forest is being cut down by Maxxam/Pacific Lumber, now Mendocino Redwood Company and is critically endangered. The company uses the technique called clear-cutting to cut down the forest. Clear-cutting is when all of the trees in an area are cut down. The problem is the company cuts down more trees before the forest can grow. Clear cutting can be beneficial because it enhances food availability and protection for small animals. For the past five years, Mendocino Redwood Company has cut down over 200,000 acres of the Redwood Forest. Currently, the Timber Industry Investors and Conservation Interests are trying to get the coalition's proposal approved. This proposal will keep about 200,000 acres of the forest protected from being cut down. However, this proposal only protects a number of trees from being cut down.

_____After reading the outline and viewed actions of Senate Bill: "S.2285." It was a bill to provide for the sound management and protection of redwood forest areas in Humboldt County, California, by adding certain lands and waters to the Six Rivers National Forest and by including a portion of such lands in the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for other purposes. This bill was introduced in 1994 and was referred to Subcommittee, after that no information could be found. The concern is why wasn't this bill reintroduced after being referred to Subcommittee of Public Lands, National Parks? Was there something wrong with the solution or plan?

_____Please review the way the logging companies are cutting down the Redwood Forest. If logging companies can not be prohibited from cutting down the forest, a possible solution is to create or add to the logging companies policy to have restrictions on the way they cut down the forest. These restrictions include time periods when companies can cut down the forest and logging companies should try reduced-impact logging. Companies can see if the technique is beneficial to business and apply the techniques when they cut trees. The number of trees should be recorded and the area cleared should be measured at every cutting session to show the progress of the company. The time periods between cutting should be long enough for at least half of the area clear-cutted before to be regrown. This proposal will combine many situations that are already being applied to benefit logging forest overall.

_____Reduced-impact logging is currently being applied in the Amazon Forest. This method is suppose to shrink the percentage of carbon dioxide emissions caused by lumbering. The companies only cut 1 to 20 acres at one time due to the limited source of tree species. This is an improvement from current management because their progress is being recorded and can help limit their cutting actions. In due time the effect will be evident and the management of the forest will be improved.

Kalyn Wesley

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